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Send us your logo for a free evaluation!

Send your logo as an e-mail attachment to 

We offer free logo evaluations to help you determine if your logo is suitable for embroidery. The majority of logos do not require modifications.  Most logos that do require modifications are typically minor in nature.

Typical changes may include enlarging fonts to make lettering legible and more detailed, or removing very fine details that embroidery cannot duplicate.  Remember, embroidery is a representation of an original design.  Unlike a printed product, embroidery creates a design utilizing colored threads sewn in disitnct patterns to create a visually appealing logo on the products of your choice.

If you have questions regarding your logo design, feel free to contact us.  We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

This is a free service with no obligation.

This is an example of a logo (left) that has been converted to an

embroidered design. 

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